One-stop Restaurants & Bars Management
Restaurants & Bar Management
Concept & business development
Marketing & branding
Cost control & Audit
One-stop Restaurants & Bar Management
One-stop Restaurants & Bar Management
Sylvain Royer

Maître Cuisinier de France
Académie Culinaire Française
Grande Médaille d’Or d’Antonin Carême
Chef Sylvain Royer is the Founder, Managing Director and Chef de Cuisine of R&B Lab, the F&B division of GCP Hospitality. R&B Lab is currently operating multiple restaurants across Asia, U.S.A. and Australia.
The award-winning Chef oversees the operations of over 20 restaurants, their culinary approach and service standards. His dedication to this work has gained him much success in the culinary world, having worked in Michelin starred restaurants and 5-star hotels across the globe.