Small plate dining is all about enjoying a variety of bite-sized dishes. It’s like a flavourful adventure where you get to sample different tastes and textures without committing to one big meal. It’s fun, social, and perfect for sharing with friends or family. So gather around and dig into a world of deliciousness, one small plate at a time!

With dishes starting at just HK$38, you can graze your way through the menu, mixing and matching as you go.

Some Our Signature Small Plates

Explore Scarlett’s menu of small plates, which includes highlights such as:

BEEF tartare & black olive tapenade

Begin your meal with our signature black olive tapenade, a blend of olives, anchovies, garlic, and extra virgin olive oil.

For something heartier, try our famous beef tartare. Hand-cut raw beef tenderloin is seasoned with capers, parsley, and egg yolk.

croqurttes & garlic & chili prawns

Craving comfort food? Our croquettes are crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside, filled with ham mashed potato and sriracha mayo. They’re fried to golden perfection and not to be missed.

Continue with something spicy – Garlic & Chili Prawns make it with fresh prawns, olive oil, garlic and chili!

📌 Scarlett Café & Wine Bar
2 Austin Avenue, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong

For more information & bookings
🖥 Bistrochat Reservation | OpenRice
📞 +852 3565 6513
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